
We are
a volunteer backcountry ski patrol

However, we all share a love of the outdoors and of skiing. We work together to assist the public by marking and maintaining trails, patrolling backcountry areas enjoyed by skiers and snowshoers, and providing winter-safety educational programs to the public. We train our members to become qualified patrollers, who are ready to help the public when the need arises.导航管理--首页关于我们



Joining the Volunteer Ski Patrol is a challenging and rewarding opportunity. If you love the outdoors, love helping people, and are a good skier, then you can look forward to joining a great group of people and a fun change to your skiing experience.局部内容--文字模块

The first steps in joining the patrol...局部内容--文字模块

Thank you very much for your rapid response. It's no doubt that your company is worth admiring! I have experienced the fastest support ever. Thank you a thousand times!局部内容--文字模块

Laura Stegner

Our Advantasges

Providing effective first aid and transportation is our highest priority局部内容--文字模块

On mountain personal equipment, including first aid packs, radios, jackets, shovels, avalanche probes, and transceivers.局部内容--文字模块
Recruiting new patrollers each year., airway adjuncts, automated blood pressure, pulse and oxygen monitors...
Training Books, materials & supplies for new patrollers.
Training Equipment, including first aid supplies, backboards, oxygen tanks and regulators
Capital Expense Fund: training, meeting and storage facilities.
Recognition of outstanding service and dedication to safety.
